Fast Metabolism- healing every 13 sec, reduces poison and rad resistance to 0 + double healing rate (with suport perk Faster healing and sneaketer should be quite good but not too op)
Small Frame- +1 Agl, - 20% carry weight, bigger chance to get hands crippled (just hands! +10%) and weapon drops (+15%) ..... cuz u are not strong but more agile (iron grip can be rescue from it)
One handler- -20% to hit chance and +20% to weapon drop when wealding 2hand weapon, +20% to hit chance and +10% resistance to weapon drop when wealding 1hand weapon + 5 flat dmg to every shot not bullet (this trait is ussles lets make him do something)
Kamikaze- +10% to dmg, -10% dmg resistance (nothing more nothing less)
Chem Reliant- Drugs now are on you for 2houers but stimpak and super stimpak heals u 50% less (to test, 50% can be too much)
Chem Resistance- You got only 5% to get drug addiction and You are immune to teir penaltys (not addictions) but drugs on you works only 5min (its gonna be crazy trait if you get addicted but you can always use Drug Antidote)
Bloody Mess- +5 flat dmg, players always die on 0 hp and their armor is totaly destroyed. You always see the worst way a person can die.
Fast Shoot- -1ap cost of shot not burst, unable to make aims attacks but have a chance to make aim shot (but not on every shot ~15% torso 10% leg, 10% groin, 10 arm%, 5% head)
remove perks healer
Medic- +30-60hp when using First aid and halves fa cd (but not with Living anathomy to 20sec that was to much, minimum 25 sec) req 175% FA and 100% Doc
Living anathomy- +5 to damage when attacking living organisms, dubles luck when using First Aid and reduce FA cd req 125% fa, 50% doc
Add perk "Resuscitation"- req perks: Medic and Living anathomy + 175fa and 150doc
Resuscitation- chance to resurect dead player, 30% chance (200%doc cap) get bigger when wealding in hand Doc bag +25% (5% more chance) or +50% (10% more chance)
this should make an option to make healer class...
And now very important thing for medics: add option to see players First aid cooldown (when you get mouse over him) that is enable by geting Living anathomy perk (when medic heals/use fa, the player get cd from him but Medic dont get cd from that player, he get cd only when he heal himself)
and to make unable to do sneak Medics (that can be nasty) first aid should start to desneak the sneaker
About ussles perks that nobody use:
Iron grip, weapon handling, quick recovery, Tree Trunk Thighs and gain "SPECIAL"
they should be merged- Iron grip with weapon handling, quick recovery + Tree Trunk Thighs and Gain SPECIAL should give +2 not 1 (its totaly ussles)