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Suggestions / Re: Achievements
« Last post by Veki on April 29, 2018, 08:35:50 AM »
We can make achivments maybe like suport perks what give you small bust...
example:assasin- kill 1000  players-+10 to final dmg per shot to player
             :hunter-kill (creature)=+10 final dmg to serten creature
             :westland doctor(heal up 10 000 points)=+20 bonus heal on the end
             :mazohist(you like to die dont you???die 200 times!!)- +2 damage treshold for every type
             :sellsman:100 000 trade caps- you have 10% lower barter prise with NPC-s
Suggestions / Re: Sugestion by Veki
« Last post by Veki on April 29, 2018, 08:25:34 AM »
Sugestion 2
when you science desert eagle with extended magazine, you dont get regular desert get totaly parts, so we can prevent junk leveling and gecko hides leveling, from magnums speed loaders, desert eagles with extend capacitety, sawed off shotguns, cbt leather jackets, cbt leather armors mk2...that can be also prevented with idea upgrades weapons can get with NPC where I mention in post before.
Suggestions / Sugestion by Veki
« Last post by Veki on April 29, 2018, 07:58:33 AM »
I will write here all sugestion i get.
1 sugestion i have in mind is hard to get:
For example remove all cbt armors mk2 and avangers from shops and can get this weapons only by serten NPC if you bring him cbt armor mk1 or minigun and pay like 10k and serten part needed. They are masters genius of serten item when is upgrades in question and nobody can compare with them.
Idea was from Fallout 2 where inchinerators, cbt armor mk 2 was rare items...
Posible upgrades: cbt armor->Cbt armor mk2
                              flamer->incinerator(fallout 2 that guy in seller of new reno example)
                              plasma rifle- turbo plasma rifle(fallout1 Adytum guy)
                              hunting rifle- 223 pistol( 223 pistol is sawedoff hunting rifle like obrez in real life)
                              laser rifle-> laser rifle extend capacity
 we can make list of weapons and armors and think about NPC-s locations...for example you have for some NPC location what I mention above from Fallout1 and fallout 2.
Reasons for this: people to not get everything on begining of game after few weeks, more stuff to do, to give little bust for bartering in comunity.
Faction Announcements / Re: KHAAAAAAAAAANS!
« Last post by TKs-Hauti on April 15, 2018, 11:12:06 PM »
o/ Guys
Game Discussion / Re: Whoo Hoo!
« Last post by worldremaker on February 21, 2018, 10:03:20 PM »
You need to wait some longer time. I don't know it will be 3-6 months or another year.

Some leak for you ;) :
Game Discussion / Re: Whoo Hoo!
« Last post by Halstead on February 15, 2018, 05:09:58 PM »
Is the release date still up in the air or did you guys solidify a date by now?
News and Announcements / Re: FOnline: Aftertimes - Client tester!
« Last post by worldremaker on January 28, 2018, 08:34:42 PM »
We're still looking for testers. PM me here or FOAT discord.
News and Announcements / Re: Game release delay.
« Last post by Arsenic on January 07, 2018, 08:03:18 PM »
I regret to inform you that the final release of Aftertimes will be delayed for few months. Unfortunately, the range of planned works is quite large. A lot has been already done (approximately 1-2 updates per day, not including fixes) but there're still many things to do (at least twice as much).
Today I am not able to specify when the main development will end and when the first official tests begin or the game start.

However, if you would like to speed up the progress of works, recruitment for the positions of the dialog writer, story writer, mapper, coder (or helper for filling some things), wiki editor, promoter in main page, forum, Discord, YouTube and Facebook areas are still open. The only requirements are at least the minimum knowledge in development and willingness to work in accordance with the designated trend of this FOnline game.

We're trying to do something more, than a typical PvP with the addition of PvE.

I really hope there is alot of textures for different armors/weapons
Keep up the good work!
News and Announcements / Re: Game release delay.
« Last post by Lash on January 04, 2018, 03:30:37 AM »
I am ok with that.
I would rather wait a long time for something good than get something rushed fast.

News and Announcements / Re: Game release delay.
« Last post by Fatcatofalltime on January 02, 2018, 09:49:17 PM »
I am ok with that.
I would rather wait a long time for something good than get something rushed fast.
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