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News and Announcements / Re: Start of 3th season
« Last post by worldremaker on September 09, 2024, 06:48:49 PM »
Quote from FOnline: Aftertimes's Discord, 16.02.2021 - 14:14, worldremaker


The FOnline gaming community currently has several PvP servers, where I had the opportunity to look again (unfortunately) for some known players's behaviours that (also unfortunately) tired me two years ago. The current active game staff is just one person and that's me. I have a really interesting life, which means that I have neither the time nor even the desire to watch whether the game is played according to its rules. In addition, I am too old to bring up other children in the field of volunteering. For a long time I was trying to find someone who can be the game master, and even though several people volunteered, it always failed.

The current season, which has been or is being prepared, has several new features and mechanics that are significantly different from previous seasons, and not even found anywhere else on any FOnline server. Unfortunately, although the server was under development, it remained online, open for testing and provided specific information about it, no one decided to start checking its consistency. As far as possible, I checked everything myself, eliminating all encountered errors on a regular basis. I know that I wasn't able to catch all of them by myself and now I will not find time to observe the correctness of the gameplay.

Now, even if there is someone willing to become a game master, I will not fire up the server at the last minute. The tools that he will have at his disposal may not differ much from the classic ones, but there are many new types of them and here too - time will be needed to explain everything, answer questions or even clarify something.

In order to avoid unnecessary dramatic scenes, I can't lower the requirements for this position.
The current number of active servers is quite high, and in the near future at least one of them will start another season.

In summary, this is not the best time to start Aftertimes.

Server start will be delayed and the specific date will be presented shortly before the start itself.

I'm not leaving this project and I will still working on it by introducing new features, fixes for unwanted bugs, stability and security issues.
News and Announcements / Re: Discord Server
« Last post by worldremaker on March 26, 2023, 03:19:25 PM »
FOnline: Aftertimes's Discord's invites have been disabled and possibility to creation of new ones have been blocked. Discord is not for FOnline. Often at least half a thousand people hang out there, and in the game a really modest fraction of this community. Players have stopped meeting in the game and start discussions on discords or other global chats, also in-game. If only it were about the game, but not - crap about who's sleeping with who, overthrowing dictators, pasting pictures of clogged toilets... Seriously? The classic forum works better - it's more organized for at least trading, modding, bugs'n'issues, faction announcements, etc. Let factions run their own servers, as it was in the days of TS3, and the only slime was the PvP forum.

What about the players which are still there?
FOnline: Aftertimes's Discord is still the quickest way to contact me and no one will kick them out unless they break the rules. They can leave it at any time without any additional consequences, except for one - there will be no return.
News and Announcements / Start of 3th season
« Last post by worldremaker on November 10, 2020, 10:41:20 AM »
Hello there!

I'm proud to announce planned date of start the 3th season of FOnline: Aftertimes. This time you will receive the fresh experience in old game features where back into the roots of Fallout 2 is included.

What you can expect in season 3?

- more PvE content, like more dungeon locations, where not only gun's bullets are count to win,
- different economy system, where you will be able to guard the caravans or rob them, when they are transporting some stuff on the basis of goods exchange between towns,
- fresh and not overpowered character build system, where intelligence and charisma are now very important,
- new design of NPC's AI dedicated for FOnline: Aftertimes,

...and much more!

The game will begin on 1st of November 2024.
The next seven months will be spent on testing and fine-tuning both new and old game features.

For more info check our Discord: (invitations are disabled)
Stay tuned on our YouTube channel:
Game Discussion / Re: Banhammer strikes
« Last post by FOAT Server on March 14, 2019, 09:57:55 AM »
Characters: worldremaker, dupa.
Reason: Multilogged in public guarded area during PvP.
Duration: 5 minutes.
Game Discussion / Re: Banhammer strikes
« Last post by FOAT Server on March 14, 2019, 09:55:45 AM »
Characters: worldremaker, dupa.
Reason: Multilogged in encounter area.
Duration: 5 minutes.
Game Discussion / Re: Banhammer strikes
« Last post by FOAT Server on March 14, 2019, 09:54:36 AM »
Characters: worldremaker, dupa.
Reason: Multilogged in public unguarded area.
Duration: 5 minutes.
Game Discussion / Re: Banhammer strikes
« Last post by FOAT Server on March 14, 2019, 09:53:09 AM »
Characters: worldremaker, dupa.
Reason: Multilogged in public unguarded area.
Duration: 5 minutes.
Game Discussion / Banhammer strikes
« Last post by worldremaker on March 14, 2019, 09:42:06 AM »
Initial post for database [test]
Suggestions / Re: Add desert europe cities
« Last post by afterdead on February 20, 2019, 11:53:10 AM »
No need dialogs or quests because nobody reads and does it anyway you can add cities and make locker with cool items. Add slugs or zone control and all gonna be good. For example you can put in cities random enemies for exps or loot bodies after dead.
Suggestions / Re: Add desert europe cities
« Last post by worldremaker on February 16, 2019, 07:43:50 PM »
Adding is easy but what about filling with events/quests/dialogs?
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